Saturday, April 13, 2013

Try something new - for a change

So much to do - and so much time.

Think of how many things you can do or start doing in 30 days. Here are a few that may have come to mind: 

finish a project
lose or gain weight
get a job
take a long vacation or go on a long vacation
do nothing
read a book
learn the basics of a language
study abroad or do an exchange program
learn how to cook something fancy (sophisticated), juicy, succulent, greasy, fatty, exquisite
spend all your money or go on a splurge go/a shopping spree
go into debt = be in the red
get drunk every day (get cirrhosis in the process)
do something totally different e.g. go bungee jumping
read a physical activity manual
sleep a lot like an animal in the winter = hibernate /hai-ba-neit/
play an instrument by ear
play things by ear = improvise
don't worry about anything = don't you worry 'bout a thing
live the language
read a music sheet or a score
become a talented person
live in a country that is completely different from yours
appreciate the landscape/the seascape

This guy, has some suggestions on the same topic:

Doing something new, embarking on a new project or challenge involves courage.

As our guru says,

a long journey begins with a small step

While we're at it, ...
Courage involves commitment.
You have to be committed = you have to stick to it = you have to be disciplined = you have to be motivated = you have to be devoted =you have to be determined = you have to be driven

New things are challenging, you might have to live without some things for a while.

Question: What is something you can’t live without? 
soda pop or fizzy drinks
soft drinks (as opposed to hard drinks or alcoholic drinks)
“celeb” gossip
cancer-causing = cancerous foods or products

an addiction
an addictive product
being addicted to something or someone
a spoonful of sugar

Just know that there will be ...

  • benefits and losses
  • pros and cons
  • advantages and disadvantages
  • pluses and minuses
  • ups and downs
  • wins and losses
  • gains and drawbacks

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