Friday, June 7, 2013

Wanted: A little bit of kindness

Cities around the world - Toronto, New York, Sao Paulo, to name a few - are trying to (re)educate their residents in social etiquette. When you really think about it, it shouldn't be that hard. Being kind is. . .

  • The least we can do
  • Not that hard
  • Make people around us act accordingly
  • Soften those who are generally rude
  • Lightens up the atmosphere we are in
  • Gives everybody (elderly, those with special needs, pregnant women or adults carrying a child) equal treatment in public spaces
  • Makes us more responsible citizens
  • Disqualify the me, myself and I mentality

A simple gesture can bring an avalanche of good - like a crack of ice on a snow-capped mountain.

The secret? Put yourself in the other person's shoes and hopefully you'll reconsider certain attitudes.

The tendency to think of ourselves first can be stronger than us; but it's worth the try all the same.

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