Thursday, June 13, 2013

Where do we draw the line?

Not a very comforting thought, but the fact of the matter is we are monitored 24/7 by the authorities in the name of security and protection.

They can access our bank accounts.
They can read our emails
They can listen to our phone conversations

Where does this end? Should there be a limit?

Tracking devices, tracer apps, antenna signals: there to make sure we are safe or to protect us from the dangers big cities "offer": theft, mugging, attacks, pick pocketing, and so on and so on.

Trusting these resources as means of protection can have a roller coaster effect on you: you feel safe only when you\re on top relaxed, when no one bothers you or your family.

They may not be effective, but they serve a purpose. People with a hidden agenda find ways to bypass the rules, get around the problem. As they say there are many ways to skin a cat, or many ways to do the same thing.

These things are here to stay so we needn't try to understand much. We will have to get used to the changes.
It may be beyond our control - something superior to us, but we can't let things get the better of  us.

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