Sunday, July 7, 2013

Are you in it for the money?

The question above is simply asking why we get up every day to go to work. It's about what moves us. 

Are you money-hungry?
Are you power-hungry?
Are you driven by money?

Why do we do what we do professionally? Certainly, it is hard to find just one reason. In the same manner, it is virtually impossible to choose one day as the most important day in your life.
Every day is important for your growth as a person.
Another universal truth is that we can’t change the past or the future, so what we have is now.    
Here are two opinions about the past and the future:
You can't change the future, but you can shape it.
The past can haunt you if you have skeletons in your closet

Here is our list of reasons for working:
  • to improve society
  • to be useful
  • to leave your mark
  • to make history
  • to make a contribution
  • to help others
  • to make the world a better place
  • to learn new things
  • to do volunteer work
  • to be recognized in many ways
  • to do an outstanding job
  • to stand out = to be above the rest
  • to create new ways to do (old) things
  • to discover new uses for old things e.g. use coca-cola to clean marble or to unblock your sink
  • to be able to show off (in more colloquial language, to “bling-bling”)

Here are some of the quotes that might serve as inspiration:  


Where did these guys get THEIR inspiration?

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