Goodbyes are never easy, but sometimes goodbyes don't mean forever, but rather a period apart from each other.
The German phrase used in the video above, seems more appropriate: AUF WIDERSEHEN > SEE YOU SOON.
So when I broke the news that the next few weeks would probably be our last together as a conversation group (I'm leaving to take up a new post), nothing else mattered at the time.
Thoughts raced: what to do? Protest? Complain? Sign a petition? Blackmail the teacher? Convince him to stay on? Break things? Use a lucky charm against him?
Saying good things about someone in their presence doesn't necessarily mean you are being an apple polisher or that you are sucking up to the person. Honesty is the best policy.
What teacher would not want to receive a homage like this one?
What makes a class unforgettable? Some would say it has to be:
a win-win situation
What would you add to the lest?
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