Thursday, May 9, 2013

Overcome the obstacle, relish the fame

We are defined by many things, but one that I believe that does this most is our job. What we do is a sum result of our years of hard work and study and getting a high-paying, career-developing, skill-building job is all we care about.

So upon thinking of the word Employ, here is what came to mind:

  • employee
  • unemployed
  • employer
  • money
  • job
  • company
  • entrepreneur
  • vacation
  • career
  • salary
  • payback
  • opportunity
  • strike
  • retirement
  • golden parachute
  • employability
  • employable
  • unemployed

Looking at the Benetton "Unemployee of the Year", what messages can we learn from it?

Taking a closer look at the sentence:

"A job doesn't define me. What I fight for does"

What you fight for is what you believe in, what motivates you, what symbolizes your views about life and people, what is your driving passion.

We only fight for the things that really matters.

We put our ideas into practice
We implement our strategies
We carry out operations
We engage in activities
We pool our energies and ideas

Do we all really need something to believe in?

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