Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Unemployed, not unreliable

7 of the nearly 100 million people under 30 years of age in search of a job.

"A job doesn't define me, what I fight for does"

When you fight for something, you go after it, you defend an idea no matter what

YOU ...
  1. put into practice
  2. implement
  3. carry out
  4. delegate
  5. inspire
  6. contaminate
  7. persist
  8. rally
  9. adapt
  10. transform

And all of these things belong to the world of work:

  • employee
  • unemployed
  • employer
  • money
  • job
  • company
  • entrepreneur
  • vacation
  • career
  • salary
  • payback
  • opportunity
  • strike
  • retirement
  • golden parachute
  • employable
  • unemployed

So, what does the video try to say about how we should consider jobs?

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